Sunday 27 February 2011

Target Audience and Certificate for Our Film.

All thriller movies are rated either a 15 or an 18+ depending on how explicit the material is. Therefore intended audiences will be rather different due to the rating.
I have looked on the website at the user ratings on thriller films, this should give me an idea into who watches Psychological Thrillers and who to aim my own film at when I produce it.
Silence of the Lambs (1991) by Johnathan Demme, shows that a staggering 181,465 males rated this film an 8.7 compared to 33,117 females which gave it the same rating. This could mean that more males enjoy and watch thriller movies. It also shows that under 18's rated this film the highest out of all of the age categories even though this film has a certificate of 18. (2,083 males under 18 and 502 females under 18) The age group that voted the most amount of times for this film were the 18-29 year olds. (males 99,650 and 18,265 females) Overall I would say that the main target audience for this Psychological thriller where in the age group of 18-29 years old (students and young adults) and it seems to be the case that it appealed to a larger male viewing audience than it did female.
I did the same analysis with the film Shutter Island and the same results where found even though this film is rated a 15.
Therefore I think the target audience of a thriller movie is at the age range of 18-29 year old males, so I will provide the same conventions of a psychological thriller to aim this film at the said age range. I will however make the film a rating of 15 instead of an 18, and may even try to get females more intrested in the thriller genre by introducing a female character which they can relate too.

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